Zodiac Couples
libra man virgo woman

Libra Man + Virgo Woman Celebrity Couples

An interesting union. Here, different options for the development of relations are possible, however, if Virgo and Libra get married, divorces in this couple are rare: both prefer to put up with the partner’s shortcomings, since it is easier for them to maintain something that exists than to start all over again.

Libra man and Virgo woman are a rather unusual combination. They are a calm couple. Here, the rationalism and practicality of Virgo restrains the Libra’s desire for change, creates a solid foundation for family life. Both spouses are intellectuals, they enjoy spending time together – this couple is never bored with each other. Until Virgo starts reading the notation. But the Libra man will smile at her, and the problem will be solved. The Libra man brings sensuality and emotionality to the relationship, which Virgo lacks so much.

Famous Libra man and Virgo woman couples

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith ❤️

celebrity libra virgo couples

Will is Libra and Jada is Virgo. It is an iconic Hollywood couple that has existed since 1997 when they got married. They have three children. In 2016, they separated, but the couple is still legally married. Both partners value each other and have a deep connection, although they are still figuring out their status.

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively ❤️

famous libra and virgo couples

Ryan is Libra (although, he was born on the Libra-Scorpio cusp) and Blake is Virgo. At first, they were friends, but later in 2011 they started dating and now they are married and have three kids. And you probably have read their funny tweets or Instagram posts where they are trolling each other. This couple is considered as happy and successfull.

Carice van Houten and Guy Pearce ❤️

famous libra virgo couples

Carise is Virgo and Guy is Libra. They have met on a movie set in 2016 right after he divorced his wife and experienced hard times. Later that year they welcomed their son. Guy said, that their relatioship started quickly and messily, but because of their child they decided to “make a step back” and start again responsibly. He is very grateful to Carice and their boy for the changing his life for the better.

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Today’s Moon Forecast

Moon in Leo

crescent moon buttonLeo sign glyph symbol

Moon is traveling through Leo today. Shine and be proud! You rule right now!

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 23° Aquarius 24' 07"
Moon 15° Leo 17' 03"
Mercury 25° Aquarius 14' 51"
Venus 05° Aries 02' 06"
Mars 17° Cancer 58' 16" R
Jupiter 11° Gemini 22' 24"
Saturn 18° Pisces 38' 44"
Uranus 23° Taurus 19' 39"
Neptune 28° Pisces 18' 03"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 23' 38"
Chiron 19° Aries 52' 12"
TrueNode 27° Pisces 43' 13" R