Zodiac Couples


Of all the signs of the zodiac, the representatives of the Leo (July 22 – August 22) constellation are somewhat more fortunate than others. They are protected by the Sun, from which they draw warmth, energy, and strength. The Sun is an active planet, making the sign of Leo active too. Therefore, considering the compatibility of Leo, one should, first of all, look for it with other active signs.

Leo is endowed with strong will and determination. They love admiration and do not mind flattery at all. In a love relationship, they are warm, romantic, and passionate. Leo has good compatibility in love and marriage with those who can fully understand him. Although such qualities as humility and modesty do not distinguish Leos, they are nonetheless warm-hearted, generous, good-natured, and charming.

He is invariably generous to his loved ones, even for no apparent reason. He chooses active and positive people as companions who can appreciate and emphasize his dignity. In a love union, he is always number 1, allowing his chosen one to bask in the rays of reflected glory.

Today’s Moon Forecast

Moon in Libra

crescent moon buttonLibra sign glyph symbol

The Moon in Libra affects a person's attempts to maintain an emotional balance. Also, a person loses the ability to focus on certain things and issues. Attention is distracted. The feeling of emotional insecurity and inadequate perception of reality is a side effect of the Moon in Libra. Try to listen carefully to the words that your heart dictates. Try to avoid situations that require immediate decisions.

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 01° Aquarius 50' 34"
Moon 29° Libra 34' 12"
Mercury 19° Capricorn 42' 40"
Venus 18° Pisces 30' 34"
Mars 24° Cancer 01' 59" R
Jupiter 11° Gemini 36' 06" R
Saturn 16° Pisces 20' 40"
Uranus 23° Taurus 17' 50" R
Neptune 27° Pisces 41' 37"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 43' 13"
Chiron 19° Aries 14' 27"
TrueNode 29° Pisces 09' 28"