Zodiac Couples

Sagittarius Man

Sagittarius man is a very purposeful person; even if he has some difficulties on the way to the goal, he still will not turn away from it. Persistent and active, he always takes up any new business with great enthusiasm. Sagittarius man is a real lucky; it may even seem strange to someone. The people around him walk just as easily alongside him through life. Men of this sign are very inquisitive, and this leads to the fact that they may have the most unusual interests and hobbies.

Another important quality of Sagittarius is excessive gullibility. It can be the reason for many of his failures.

In love affairs, male Sagittarius values ​​his freedom very much, also the independence and personal space. He doesn’t like to make promises and commitments. If he does not intend to build a serious relationship with the person he likes, he will tell her about it directly. Ladies, charmed by an intelligent and fascinating person, hope for a serious relationship, which Sagittarius man so carefully avoids.

Today’s Moon Forecast

Moon in Pisces

crescent moon buttonPisces sign glyph symbol

Pisces days sharpens intuitive abilities with unprecedented intensity. There is an increased sensitivity to the opinions of other people. Pisces days are perfect for any artistic endeavor, so it's time to pursue ideas that require creativity. Trust your intuition more.

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 20° Pisces 16' 05"
Moon 20° Pisces 06' 04"
Mercury 00° Aries 22' 29"
Venus 28° Aquarius 05' 08"
Mars 20° Aquarius 10' 52"
Jupiter 12° Taurus 59' 24"
Saturn 11° Pisces 03' 15"
Uranus 19° Taurus 52' 41"
Neptune 27° Pisces 05' 24"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 26' 59"
Chiron 17° Aries 43' 11"
TrueNode 15° Aries 43' 58" R