Zodiac Couples


It is important for Gemini (May 20 – June 20) to feel fresh feelings in a relationship. This bright zodiac sign appreciates intelligence and curiosity in a partner. To win their hearts, you need to be spontaneous. By nature, they are sometimes like children; they love to have fun and laugh. Gemini has good compatibility in love and marriage with those signs of the zodiac, which, like them, are inquisitive and can stimulate their interest in life.

Often their relationships are born of friendship built on common interests. If you have something to talk to Gemini about and keep up with their mind, then your chances of success are high. And if you share their constant hovering in the clouds, then the chances are doubled.

They do not see anything objectionable in changing partners in personal relationships, or cheating on their chosen one – any changes and thrills in life serve for them as a kind of emotional nourishment, which is merely necessary for unemotional Gemini.

Today’s Moon Forecast

Moon in Taurus

crescent moon buttonTaurus sign glyph symbol

The Moon in Taurus brings people peace, a sense of security, resilience, and stability. It will help to complete previously started affairs but will hinder the implementation of new ideas.

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 25° Pisces 17' 06"
Moon 03° Gemini 28' 50"
Mercury 09° Aries 43' 51"
Venus 04° Pisces 18' 30"
Mars 24° Aquarius 05' 17"
Jupiter 13° Taurus 56' 55"
Saturn 11° Pisces 39' 38"
Uranus 20° Taurus 03' 50"
Neptune 27° Pisces 16' 49"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 33' 46"
Chiron 17° Aries 59' 40"
TrueNode 15° Aries 45' 48"